Monday, July 22, 2013

The other night, I went to our local Women's and Children's hospital and donated some itty bitty diapers (teeny tears), gowns, blankets, and hats. 

When I handed them over to the nurse that I had been corresponding with, she explained to the other nurses that they were for the IUFD's (intrauterine fetal demise).  The way she said it made me kinda sad.  IUFD's?  No, they are babies.  Babies that were dreamed about, talked about, planned for, hoped for, prayed for, longed for, and loved.  Babies that have died. Somehow, hearing them called IUFDs cheapens their lives. 
"Dear God,
 I pray for each of these mommas.  I pray that as they wrap their little ones in these garments that You would wrap Your arms around them.  I pray that they would feel Your love and comfort.  As their hearts shatter, give them a supernatural peace in their soul.  Remind them that in Heaven, every tear will be wiped away and there will be no more goodbyes.  Thank You Lord for hope."


  1. In all my medical records, my Ariella is an "IUFD" and I absolutely hated it when I discovered what the initials meant. I choose to think of it as intrauterine fetal *death* rather than "demise", as it sounds a little more like she actually was a baby who was loved.

    It's such a lovely gesture to drop off those nappies and blankets. I'm sure they will be so appreciated.

    1. I agree Larissa-- death sounds better than demise. Your Ariella and my Isaiah were real and precious and much loved babies that were living and then died.
      I hope the items that I dropped off will bring a small bit of comfort to those mommas who are experiencing the overwhelming sadness that comes with losing your precious little one.

  2. Stopping in Julie cause I was thinking of you. How are you? The nappies and blankets are lovely and will be cherished by the families unlucky enough to receive them.
