Sunday, October 14, 2012

Today marks Isaiah's six month "birthday."  It has been the easiest birthday so far--not sure why this is, but I am thankful that, for today at least, the weight of grief does not feel quite so crushing. 
After church, I visited the cemetery.  Sitting beside Isaiah's grave was very peaceful.  (I can't believe how I've changed in the last 6 months... I would have never thought I would enjoy sitting in a grave yard :) Just one of the many ways that experiencing death has made me into a different person.)
We have had a busy month.  With each activity, I picture what it would be like to have Isaiah with us.  He is constantly on my mind!
Over the last month, we have:
Played at the Park
Visited the Baltimore Aquarium

Gone Apple Picking!

Celebrated Birthdays (Princess Style!!)(Cant believe my girls are so big!)
Dearest Isaiah,
I miss you so very much.  Today, at your grave, I asked God if He would tell you how much I love you.  I'm not sure how that works, I'm kinda hoping that maybe you can even see us...  Anyways, I do love you.  So much.  Looking forward to the day when we will be re-united...I think I will spend the first few years of eternity just holding you close! :) 
Happy 6 month "birthday"!
Love always,

1 comment:

  1. Julie, I want you to know how much I love your blog as well. I take so much strength from your words and your honesty and experience. It's nice, that even though I don't know you in person, I feel like I"m not journeying this alone. If you'd be willing, I'd love to be able to email you at times. Sometimes I have things come into my head, things I don't necessary want to blog about, but I think, "I bet JUlie could relate." Or "I wonder what Julie thinks of this.." My email is I won't be offended if you choose not to contact me. I'll still browse your blog and comment! :)
