Nov 19
Dearest Isaiah- Oh how heavy is my heart. Yesterday and this morning have been difficult. I feel so down- so much like God is not hearing me, so distant from Him. The day is cold and overcast-- I really don't like winter! Everything just seems bleak.
My devotional reading for day:
"Though You have made me see troubles, many and bitter, You will restore my life again." Ps 71:20
"No matter how many twists and turns the road may have, there is always one smooth, straight portion. Even the longest night has a sunrise, and the winter snow may stay quite some time, but it will finally melt. Your heart that has forgotten how to sing will break forth in thankful and jubilant song..."
Dear God-- My night seems unending, the cold unbearable. Lord God, You said You would not give me more than I can bear, You said there are seasons/times-- a time to be sad but a also a time to rejoice. You said that You hear my cries. You said weeping may endure for a night but joy will come in the morning. God, that means the night must end at some point. The morning must come. And with it, joy. You are a faithful God. What You promise, You do. Please oh God, I beg for this night to be over. For sunrise to come. And with it, joy and light and warmth."
Oh Isaiah- I love you lots. I look forward to the day when I will see you again.
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